If you own a pool or are thinking about installing one, you should understand the importance of swimming pool maintenance. A pool is just like any other valuable item. If you take care of it, it will last longer and be much more enjoyable. Let’s take a look at some helpful pool maintenance products.
Skimming and Vacuuming Your Pool Water
While your pool’s filter system will do most of the work to keep the water clean, you will have to skim and vacuum the pool as well. Most people skim out the debris floating on the top of the pool water with a skimmer basket. You should skim each time before going for a swim. While robotic vacuum cleaners are available, many pool owners prefer to clean their pool liners with a hand-held vacuum. You should vacuum the dirt, algae, and other debris off of your pool liner and walls once every week or two.
You will also need chemicals to preserve the purity of your pool water. Pathogens like bacteria often exist in untreated pool water. If you do not balance your water’s chemistry, microorganisms will spread and travel from one swimmer to the next. A pool with the improper chemical balance also has the potential to damage sections of the walls, cause the water to turn cloudy, or irritate swimmers’ eyes and skin.
Pools require the proper pH and chlorine levels. Chlorine tablets and pool shocks will be required. Chlorine kills contaminants like bacteria and microorganisms. If someone in your family is allergic to chlorine or does not like the smell, you can use bromine as a replacement.
Algaecide and Pool Clarifiers
Algae is often generated when the water chemistry is out of balance or when there is a lack of circulation. Algae is ugly and has the potential to clog the filter. Be sure to have algaecide on hand so that you can use it as soon as you spot algae. Using it as a preventive measure will also stop algae from growing in your pool to begin with. Consistent use of algaecide will decrease the number of pool shock treatments you need to do.
A clarifier will help to clear up cloudy pool water and keep your pool clean. Clarifiers function by forcing smaller particles of debris to coagulate into larger sizes that the filtration system can remove.
Chemical Feeders
If you would prefer not to add chlorine to your pool on a regular basis, consider using a chemical feeder. Also known as pool chlorinators, chemical feeders hold significant amounts of chlorine and slowly release them into the pool. This gradual release of chlorine ensures that the proper amount will flow into the pool to maintain the chemical balance. Feeders that release bromine are also available.
Salt feeders exist as well. While this type of feeder is not an acceptable alternative to chlorine, it is eco-friendly and economical. This device’s generator allows for the creation of a chlorine-like chemical from simple table salt, transforming the salt into hypochlorous acid, which is the component that is created when chlorine enters pool water.
Make the Commitment
A swimming pool requires a bit of a commitment. Proper maintenance is essential to maximizing your pool’s lifespan. With the proper maintenance products and a regular maintenance schedule, you will guarantee your pool’s quality and avoid costly repairs in the future.
Editor’s note: Updated in 2021 for relevance.
Please recommend what type of chlorine should be used in in-ground vinyl liner pools, I have been told different things from different people and I am little confused now. I recently got a new Latham vinyl liner and want to maintain it as per manufacturer recommendations.
Thank you.
Hi Atsul – Excellent question! Proper pool maintenance will extend the life of your vinyl liner. You can explore more in our maintenance hub here: https://www.lathampool.com/resources/pool-maintenance-hub/pool-water-101-chemicals-testing-and-balancing/