You installed (or are looking to install) a backyard swimming pool because you love spending time in the great outdoors. The pool and pool products industry is right there with you! Recent innovations have produced a growing number of “green” offerings.
Here is a list of six products that will help you protect the environment you love.
1. Fiberglass Pools
Fiberglass pools are earth-friendly in many ways. As a one-piece shell that can be put into place quickly and easily, there are fewer pollutants associated with the construction/installation process. Once a pool is operational, its smooth gel coat finish makes it difficult for algae to grow, so fewer chemicals are required to keep the water clean. And fiberglass is a natural insulator, which means it takes less energy to heat a fiberglass pool.
2. Pool Auto Covers
Pool covers that can be put in place or removed automatically using a motorized drive mechanism greatly reduce the amount of energy required to operate a pool. Studies have shown that pool covers can produce energy savings of 50-80%, since heat is prevented from radiating into the atmosphere when the cover is on. In addition to those savings, less heating means fewer CO2 emissions — in some cases a reduction of as much as 3-6 tons. What’s more, pool covers reduce evaporation by up to 95%, so less water must be added to the pool to keep it at the proper level.
3. Solar Pool Heaters
There’s nothing more eco-friendly than using the sun’s natural rays to heat a swimming pool. And after an initial investment in the equipment, the cost of solar heating is very close to zero.
4. LED Pool Lighting
Swimming at night with your pool beautifully lit is a treat. LED lighting can reduce energy consumption by close to 90% over traditional lighting. There’s a bright idea!
5. Organic Pool Cleaning
From enzyme-based and saltwater sanitizing to sphagnum moss-filtered pools, our reliance on traditional pool chemicals is changing rapidly, with many more earth-friendly options available.
6. Critter Escape Ramps
If your pool is one that attracts lots of animals, there’s at least one company out there that produces a small floating ramp that gives wayward critters an escape route.
Go Green
If you’ve got questions about how your pool or spa can be more eco-friendly, a pool professional can give you the latest details on pools and pools supplies that can help you be greener. Locate a dealer near you.
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